Jakarta, Beritabulukumba.com – The open mainnet which is the final phase of crypto Pi Network never stops being discussed by its members.
Understandably, open mainnet is an important phase for users of the Pi Network application to make money.
In this open mainnet phase, coins collected from mining can be traded on crypto exchanges.
In the crypto world, coin prices are very dynamic following the market.
This makes the open mainnet schedule often questioned by members of the Pi Network known as Pioneers.
Now circulating a screenshot showing the comments of the Pi Network chat moderator.
The moderator wrote about his thoughts on when to open mainnet.
“My opinion is the end of December,” wrote GodOfThunderMjolnir, quoted from a screenshot of the Twitter account @DucThu82.
This isn’t the first time Pi’s chat moderator has offered his say when asked by Pioneer about when the mainnet will open.
Previously, the moderator of the Pi Network chat in English said that the mainnet might be opened in the next 2 to 3 years. ***